The worldwide law-enforcement organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division) employs an elite team of agents who investigate strange occurrences around the globe and beyond. Its members -- each of whom brings a specialty to the group -- work to protect those who cannot protect themselves from extraordinary and inconceivable threats, including a formidable group known as Hydra. The series is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and acknowledges the continuity of the franchise"s films and other television series.
Condition: New (NOT SHRINK WRAPPED),
Comes With Case, Label Disc & Case Artwork
Region: 0 (Any Blu-Ray Player Worldwide)
Number of Discs: 12
Picture Quality: A++ in 1080P HD (Digitally Remastered)
Audio: English Only Unless otherwise stated
Disc Type - BD-R
Product Information
Category | Electronics > Media > Blu-ray |
Brand | Marvel |
Condition | New |
Tags | agentsofshield,completeseries,bluray,marvel,collectorsedition,rarebluray,boxsetbonanza |